Twist out on natural 4c hair

I am definitely aware of the struggles that come with natural hair 😫 but at least I’m happy to say that I’ve had 3 years of experience so I can share a thing or two with you 🌹. My natural hair journey has been so fun, exciting and I’m constantly amazed at the magic that natural hair can perform given that I spent more than half of my life missing out on that bunch of greatness. It takes patience and consistency to get the hang of it but whatever trouble you get in between is totally worth it. ❤️❤️

I washed my hair 4 days ago and twisted it using only a mixture of raw Shea butter, honey and Jamaican black castor oil.
I had always been skeptical about using honey on my hair without rinsing it off but i totally don’t regret it.
I used the mixture to deep condition my hair after shampooing and rinsed off excess product then I applied it a little more (lol not sure why) before twisting it.
I undid the twist the next day and put up the results on my instagram and got a few questions so I decided to redo the twists the same day. So the twist was 2 days old before I undid them in this video. 
What I realized about trying to define my curls with only shea butter is that it keeps my hair very soft and moisturized but the curls can only last 2 days before the fro shows it’s true colors 😂

I’ve used other leave in conditioners before like Cantu leave-in conditioner to twist my hair and I must say that the curls get a little more defined and last longer than with Shea butter but when it comes to moisturizing, Shea butter does a better job.

You can use gel to define your curls but I personally don’t like to apply gel on my hair to define my curls. I use gel for sleek ponytails and my edges but that’s about it.

Here below is a detailed video of how I did the twist out and what the whipped raw Shea butter looks like.
My instagram dm is open for video suggestions ❤️ @nameisblessing


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