Story time!! The Confessions of a faithful whore

 After setting her makeup, she wore her little red dress and thought to herself, "i look slutty" but then, it was too late to think otherwise.
    Despite the reason for the red dress, she went down on her knees and said a little prayer " Dear Lord, do not judge me too much. I gave you enough time to change my story. I will be 40 next week- oh sorry you knew that already- and my life hasn't done much changing. So don't judge me if i decided to take the pen from you and rewrite my own story"
She grabbed her purse and drowned herself in thoughts, the sound of her shoes while going down the stairs were like a sounding drum interrupting her thoughts
....ravishing.. she heard faintly.
"excuse me?
"i said, you look ravishing"
Carla took a few seconds to analyze her client for the night. He looked so fancy in his grey coat and tight pants which made his muscled thighs so obvious, and shoes that seemed to have cost a fortune.
He was nice enough to take  her out for dinner before going down to business. The sound of the word business in her thoughts made her a little guilty.
     She cleared her throat and with a fake smile, "you look dashing too"
Letting himself out first, Derek held the door open for her.
"thank you" she said calmly
He walked up to his car and opened the passenger door for her.
Rolling her eyes and deep in her thoughts, "if i didn't know better i'd think he was a gentleman. There's no such thing anyway"
"So any family?... 
back to reality, she realized they were half way close to the restaurant ...
...'scuse me??
 "any kids? family?
"You ask like you care" she thought ,"No" She lied
"well then, here we are" he let her out.
They both walked into the restaurant. Little did she know that, that was just the beginning of the rest of her miserable life.......



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